Administrative Orders
April 2016
Date | Title |
4/6/16 | 16-11 COURT REPORTING |
March 2016
Date | Title |
3/16/16 | 16-09-B Adminidtrative Orders- Rescinds Administrative Order 15-49-B |
3/16/16 | 16-08-B JUDGES-Caseload Assignment-Re-assignment of Cases Assigned to Judge Jennifer Taylor |
February 2016
Date | Title |
2/8/16 | 16-04-S Mental Health-Marchman Act Hearings- Telephonic Appearance of Qualified Professionals |
2/4/16 | 16-03-S-Administrative Orders-Rescinds Administrative Orders |
January 2016
Date | Title |
1/14/16 | 16-01-B CRIMINAL - Assignment of cases associated with the Jimmy Ryce Involuntary Civil Commitment Act |
December 2015
November 2015
Date | Title |
11/3/15 | 15-45-S JUDGES - Caseload Assignment- Re-assignment of Cases Assigned to Judge Michael J. Rudisill |
September 2015
Date | Title |
9/17/15 | 15-40 Probate and Guardianship - Filing annual Guardianship Reports |
August 2015
Date | Title |
8/4/15 | 15-35 ATTORNEYS- Appointment of Public Defender in Baker Act Proceeding |
July 2015
Date | Title |
7/22/15 | 15-19-B AMD Administrative Orders-Rescinds Administrative Order |