Administrative Orders

January 2019

Date Title
1/9/19 19-08-S Juveniles-Sexting by Minors-Section 847.0141,Florida Statutes, Supersedes 17-22- Files
1/7/19 19-07 Supersedes Numerous AO'S Files
1/7/19 19-02-S MAGISTRATE-Appointment of General Magistrate and Support Enforcement Hearing Officer Files
1/2/19 19-01-B - JUDGES Caseload Assignment -Reassignment of Cases Assigned to Judge Robert Segal Files

December 2018

Date Title
12/20/18 18-55-B CLERK OF COURT-Uniform Brevard County Court Criminal and Traffic Procedures Supersedes 13-24-B AMD Files
12/18/18 18-02-2 AMD-COUNTY COURT-Misdemeanor and Traffic-Supersedes-18-02-S and 02-19-S Files
12/18/18 18-02-S AMD-County Court-Misdemeanor and Traffic-Supersedes 18-02-S and 02-19-S Files
12/18/18 18-02-S County Court-Misdemeanor and Traffic -Supersedes 18-02-S and 02-19-S Files
12/10/18 18-53-B AMD Jail Initial Proceedings-Purpose to Establish a Standard Procedure for Initital Appearances at the Brevard County Detention Center, to Establish Commencement Time and Procedures for Clerk, Court and Sheriff Supersedes 18-53-B Files
12/5/18 18-54-B JUDGES-Caseload Assignment-Reassignment of Cases Assigned to Judge Benjamin B. Gargozlo Files
12/4/18 18-24-AMD Judges-Appointment of County Court Judges to Handle Circuit Cases in Certain Situations- Supersedes 18-24 Files
12/4/18 18-08-B 6th AMD JUDGES-Temporary Appointment of County Court Judge Stephen R. Koons to Handle Circuit Civil Cases -Supersedes 18-08-B 5th AMD Files
12/3/18 18-25-AMD Judges-Appointment of Circuit Judges to Handle County Court Cases in Certain Situations-Supersedes 18-25 Files

November 2018

Date Title
11/13/18 18-47-B Magistrate-Appointment of General Magistrate and Support Enforecement Hearing Officer-Supersedes 15-50-B Files
11/13/18 18-46-B-Magistrate-Appointment of General Magistrate And/Or Support Enforcement Hearing Officer Supersedes 15-48-B Files
11/7/18 18-44 MAGISTRATES-Appointment and Duties of General Magistrates and Support Enforcement Hearing Officers in The Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Supersedes15-47 Files

October 2018

Date Title
10/30/18 JUDGES-Temporary Appointment of County Court Judge Stephen R. Koons to Handle Circuit Civil Cases

September 2018

Date Title
9/17/18 18-16-B 3rd AMD - Supersedes 18-16-B 2nd AMD JUDGES- Caseload Assignment- Reassignment of Cases Assigned to Judge Stephen R. Koons Files
9/5/18 18-39-S JUDGES Caseload Assignment -Reassignment of Cases Assigned to Judge Melissa D Souto Files